2019年12月9日 星期一

What makes a good life?

What makes you happy? The answer for most people is wealth, power, a 75-year study of adult life, starting in their teens, whether college students or poor people, go to their home interviews, get medical records from their doctors and so on, after growing up, some climbed the social ladder from the bottom all the way to the very top, and some made that journey in the opposite direction. the results of the study surprised everyone. The key to a happy life is good interpersonal relationships.

I'm not surprised by Dr. Robert’s findings, I'm happy because I have family and friends.
So I feel that I would rather live in a happy family than being lonely rich people.

2019年12月2日 星期一

Six Minutes English ---- G2 The smell of coffee

Host: Kimmy
Host: Mandy
Expert: Joyce

Do you procrastinate sometimes? Why do you procrastinate? How to stop procrastinating?

To be honest, I am a procrastinator, like I took 29 credits this semester, and then I gave myself a plan to review today ’s class content every night, Otherwise, I will have a lot of books to read before the exam, but it ’s almost the end of the semester now. I still don’t start reading until the exam. My solution is that my boyfriend will study with me and supervise each other. I suggest that you can also find a friend and you read books together, like a book club, so you can increase your efficiency and not start to read books until the end.

2019年11月25日 星期一

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

1.procrastinator(noun)拖延者:someone who keeps delaying things that must be done

2.propagating (verb) 傳播 :to spread opinions, lies, or beliefs among a lot of people

3.perplexed (verb) 困惑 : confused, because something is difficult to understand or solve

Summarize the talk : 

Everyone is procrastinator, the difference is how serious it is. When there is a deadline,the effects of procrastination are contained to the short term,so it will be completed. When there is no deadline, there will be no panic monster, so it will continue to delay, and In addition to rational decision makers, the procrastinator’s brain also has a Instant Gratification monkey.So we need to think about what we're really procrastinating on, because everyone is procrastinating on something in life. We need to stay aware of the Instant Gratification Monkey.

2019年11月18日 星期一

The power of passion and perseverance

1.cadets (noun) 學員:a student in the armed forces or the police

Ex——We want more and better cadets from public schools, from the grammar schools and from every type of school.

2.characteristic(noun)特性:a typical or noticeable quality of someone or something:

Ex——Patience is not a characteristic we associate with Bryan.

3.Grit (noun) 意志力:courage and determination despite difficulty

Ex——It takes true (= real) grit to stand up to a bully.

4.perseverance(noun) 毅力:continued effort and determination

Ex——Through hard work and perseverance, he worked his way up to the top.

5.commitments.(noun) 承諾:a promise or firm decision to do something

Ex——Players must make a commitment to play for a full season.

Introduce the talk

who is successful here and why? 

Not because of IQ, but because successful people have a common point that is grit. Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals.

2019年10月14日 星期一

Listen to Can you trust a smart speaker, and answer the following three questions

(A) Do you have a smart speaker at home?

Yes,I have a Apple’s Siri  who can answer the question.

(B) What is a smart speaker?

A smart speaker is a device that integrates with a virtual assistant and can perform many actions with a voice. For example, turn on the TV, turn off the lights, turn on the air, and so on. It can also interact with you. For example, you can ask it to tell a joke to you, and you can ask questions.

(C) How does a smart speaker work?

The speech recognition service decrypts the speech and then sends the response back to the smart speaker. Speech recognition services use a variety of algorithms. So if you start to say incomplete sentences to it, it may not understand, but after a long time, it can understand you, even if your English is still the same.

2019年10月6日 星期日

I thoughts about the topic we discussed today.

I think it is not possible to use such vehicles in Taiwan. The cost of the equipment should be very high. There is high-speed rail, MRT and so on in Taiwan. I think it is very convenient. It takes only two hours to take high-speed trains from Taipei to Kaohsiung. The inconvenience of the MRT is that when I go to school in the morning, there are many people, and I am almost out of the door, so I don't like life in Taipei very much. Everything is too crowded.

 I think the idea of ​​the Hyperloop system is feasible, just a matter of time.

What makes a good life?

View on Vocaroo >> What makes you happy? The answer for most people is wealth, power, a 75-year study of adult life, starting i...